
The origins of the company date back to the 50s, that was a period of intense development of extraction potential and the modernization of processing plants in coal mines and building of surface mining of brown coal.

These facts were the direct prerequisite for starting the production for the Polish mining industry. In this way, in 1956, it was established PIOMA Mining Machinery Factory in Piotrków Trybunalski – for many years one of the key supplier for the Polish mining industry. In 1960, Pioma FMG launched its own cast iron and cast steel foundry. The following years were a period of intense development of the factory, especially in the seventies, when the construction of another hall resulted in the achievement of a total area of 47,780 m2 and the production of new goods was started. At the turn of the sixties and seventies, the industrial-scale production of conveyor belts was started. In the early seventies we started the production of suspended cableways, and at the end of this decade – the production of mechanized housings. Constantly modernized products became the essential assortment of the production. In 1992, from the PIOMA state enterprise, the sole-shareholder company of the Treasury FMG PIOMA SA was created. It was one of 512 state-owned companies, which were included in 1993 to the Mass Privatization Program. In 2000 Pioma Odlewnia Sp. z o.o was separated which was constituting the economic entity with legal personality (now owned by Polska Grupa Odlewnicza S.A.) and in 2008, the segment associated with the production of industrial design – Pioma Industry Sp. z o.o. was separated. It was the company on the basis of which, Zamet Industry operates in its current form.

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