Maintaining the leading market position requires continuous improvement and the highest quality guarantee. Our quality is confirmed by numerous certificates:
W związku z ogłoszeniem stanu zagrożenia epidemicznego na terenie Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, informujemy, że aktualnie Zamet Industry prowadzi działalność w sposób niezakłócony - wszelkie zamówienia są realizowane.
Zapewniamy, że stosujemy wytyczne i zalecenia organów państwowych. Wdrożyliśmy specjalne procedury bezpieczeństwa, mające na celu ochronę zdrowia naszych pracowników, klientów i partnerów biznesowych. O sytuacji będziemy informować Państwa na bieżąco.
Zapraszamy do współpracy.
Z poważaniem, Zarząd ZAMET INDUSTRY
Piotrków Trybunalski March 17, 2020
Dear Contractors of Zamet Industry,
We inform you that a state of epidemic threat was announced in Poland in connection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus starting on March 14, 2020. A decision was taken to cancel all mass events and to temporarily close educational establishments, shopping malls and catering facilities. The borders of Poland have been temporarily closed for foreigners.
The purpose of this letter is to provide you with information on the current situation in Zamet Industry. We would like to inform you that as of today, we are operating without any interruption - all orders are being carried out.
We ensure that we are applying the guidelines and recommendations of state authorities. We have implemented special security procedures to protect the health of our employees, customers and business partners. We will keep you updated on the situation.
We are looking forward to doing business with you.